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Bertin Matrices

Bertin matrices are a means to analyze structures in a matrix using two-dimensional display techniques. Basic data structures for Bertin analysis are implemented as class based on matrix, using additional attributes.

J. Bertin: La graphique et le traitement graphique de l'information. Flammarion: Paris 1977.

A. de Falguerolles; F. Friedrich & G Sawitzki: A Tribute to J. Bertin's Graphical Data Analysis. Published in: W. Bandilla, F. Faulbaum (eds.): SoftStat '97. Advances in Statistical Software 6. (Will be installed in the doc section of thepackage). Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart 1997.
A web version is at
A video is available for streaming: [bertin videos archive]. Video file download: [bertin.mp4].

G. Sawitzki: Bertin Matrices. An R Implementation. pdf. Heidelberg 2012. (Will be installed in the doc section of thepackage).
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Updated 2012-05-05 by gs/html.